The Environmental Impacts of Post-Disaster Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Facilities in Garut Regency-Indonesia
Garut Regency is referred to as a miniature natural disaster in Indonesia. This is because Garut Regency is surrounded by active mountains with topographic characteristics of the northern part consisting of plateaus and mountains, while the southern part of the surface has a steep steepness and in some areas is unstable. Garut Regency, which is geographically prone to disasters, is the duty of the District Government and the community to protect Garut Regency and the community from disasters. As part of the overall disaster management, the implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction stages becomes an important stage. Analysis of environmental impacts of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities is an activity needed to assess the impacts that arise on post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities in Garut Regency. The research objective was to analyze the environmental impact of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction facilities in Garut Regency on domestic solid waste generation and runoff. The results showed that the activities in post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction amenities in Garut Regency will change the land use, generate the solid waste of 1,07 m3/day and runoff of 2,73 m3/day. Land use changes can be maintaining by providing the green open space according to the regulation standard, moreover, the possible treatment for solid waste management is through TPS 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle at temporary waste collection site (TPS)) meanwhile runoff management can be managed by providing the proper drainage and infiltration wells.
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