Optimizing the Use of Sealant Material Type 5977 for Car Engine Production at PT X Using the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) Method

Sealant type 5977, Deming cycle, PDCA cycle, cost reduction.


January 23, 2024
January 23, 2024


Business development in the world causes companies to be able to compete, especially in the field of automotive manufacturing so that companies must have a strategy. This study aims to identify, analyze, and evaluate the use of sealant type 5977 in automotive manufacturing companies to optimize the use of sealant material type 5977 at PT X to remain competitive in local and global markets. This research uses the Deming Cycle Method or PDCA Cycle and the tools used in this research are Checksheets obtained from data for the last 3 months. From the results of this study it can be seen that by optimizing the use of sealant type 5977 for engine production, the results are very good, for 3 months no defects were found or defects that could affect the quality of the engines produced and with the application of cost reduction it is good for the company to reduce its production costs. Based on these results the company can still compete competitively in local and global markets with more efficient costs, the costs incurred before the improvement of Rp 199,000 or 100 engine units to Rp 39,000 or 20 engine units in one month, which saves Rp 160,000 every month or Rp 1,920,000 per year.