Propaedeutic of Working with Tables for Data Handling At Kindergarten
The article presents a model of work in Bulgarian Kindergarten to form knowledge and skills for basic data handling through working with data tables. The work is part of a larger study for building basic statistical literacy at early ages in technologies equipped learning environment. The model has three stages of realization: propaedeutic at Kindergarten, creating knowledge and skills for working with tables and graph sat first-second grade of the Primary school, and building knowledge and skills for conducting independent survey and analysing data at third-fourth grade of Primary school. Experimental work was done with kindergarten children and first-grade students. Examples of learning resources are presented and the outcome of the approbation process is described. Some conclusions and recommendations are formulated.
Wallman, K., Enhancing Statistical Literacy: Enriching Our Society, Journal of American statistical association, Vol 99, N 421, 1993,
ITI-AE, Educational software for teaching English language at kindergarten, Izkustva, 2015
Papancheva, R., Obucheniet opomatematika v uchiliste v bogatana technologiisreda. Izbranitemiotmetodikatanaobucheniepomatematika, University “Prof. Dr.Asen Zlatarov”, Burgas, 2017.
ITI-DG, Educational software for kindergarten, Izkustva, 2016.