Utilization of Cassava Tubers (Dioscorea Alata) and Chitosan to Produce Biodegradable Plastic
Plastic is a synthetic compound made from petroleum, which is very useful for various household and industrial purposes. This is due to the many superior properties of plastic compared to other materials. However, on the other hand, plastic made from petroleum raw materials still has several weaknesses, including product safety for health and after use it will become waste that is difficult to degrade, thus polluting the environment. Apart from that, the supply of petroleum raw materials is increasingly depleting and non-renewable. Plastic can be produced from raw materials that are safer for health and the environment. Several studies on the manufacture of biodegradable plastic have been carried out using raw materials in the form of organic materials whose main content is starch, however the strength and elasticity of the resulting plastic is still low. Therefore, in this research we will study the manufacture of biodegradable plastic from tubers that are not properly utilized, namely yam tubers (discorea alata) with the addition of chitosan as a reinforcement. This research was carried out by mixing the materials, heating then molding and drying. The variables studied include process temperature, process time, and the mass ratio of chitosan to starch. Next, mechanical tests were carried out, namely tensile strength and elongation, FTIR tests, and biodegradation tests with EM4 bacteria. The research was carried out using the variables process temperature, process time, and chitosan:starch mass ratio. Based on the results of research carried out with raw materials such as yam tubers and chitosan, optimal conditions were obtained using a time of 90 minutes, a stirring speed of 300 rpm, a temperature of 80 oC, and a mass ratio of chitosan to starch of 0.075. With these conditions, plastic was obtained with a tensile strength of 7.80 MPa and an elongation of 16.37%. Biodegradable plastic from yam tubers and chitosan can be degraded with the help of EM4 bacteria for 35 days, so the biodegradable plastic from yam tubers is environmentally friendly plastic.
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