A Needs Assessment to Explore the Feasibility of a Unified Evaluation Framework for Diverse Job Specializations in the Joii Workstream

Management Engineering Management Employee Evaluation Business Process Outsourcing


December 4, 2023
December 5, 2023


This study explores the possibility and potential benefits of creating a standardized evaluation framework for various job specializations within Joii Workstream. Joii Workstream is a business process outsourcing (BPO) company that provides office-based support to the construction industry. This research addresses subjectivity, bias, and inconsistency in performance assessments. The proposed solution is to establish a standard set of criteria for evaluation. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, combining surveys and interviews with key personnel. The results indicate that there are issues with the current evaluation practices. Although the employees remain neutral, they recognize that there is room for improvement. Challenges and opportunities are associated with implementing a unified framework, particularly regarding the diverse nature of job specializations. While most employees believe in the potential of a unified evaluation framework, they remain neutral about its feasibility. The study recommends a thorough assessment of current practices, transparent communication, stakeholder engagement, and a phased implementation approach to address concerns and enhance the effectiveness of the evaluation framework. Successful implementation is expected to lead to improved organizational efficiency, standardized evaluation criteria, and enhanced transparency in performance expectations. The research provides valuable insights into the broader field of human resource management, serving as a reference for organizations seeking to optimize their performance evaluation processes for diverse job specializations.