Improved Fishing Technology for Fishermen Empowerment
The strategic plan (RENSTRA) of the Marine and Fisheries Service (DKP) for 2021–2026 aims to improve the quality of fishing for fishermen through improved fishing technology. However, RENSTRA cannot be implemented due to a lack of data and information related to improved fishing technology. As a result, there is no appropriate implementation strategy or community empowerment action program. This study aims to provide recommendations for improving fishing technology. The research was conducted at fishing centers located in Pambang Pesisir Village and Selat Baru Village. In-depth interviews with fishing communities in both villages provided the necessary data and information. A descriptive analysis was conducted by comparing the current level of technology with more advanced technology. The study findings show that the technology of longline and gillnet fishing is relatively simple (low). Therefore, it is recommended that DKP of Bengkalis Regency improve the quality of fishing technology by increasing vessel size, using marine engines, laminating fiberglass, applying multi-gears, and encouraging day and night fishing.
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