Analysis of the Utilization of Combustion Waste Ash from Palm Kernel Shell as a Substitute for Fine Aggregates in Cement Treated Base Class B
The Cement Treated Base Class B is a layer of pavement located between the lower base layer and the surface layer. This pavement layer uses fine aggregate materials (sand), palm kernel ash, and cement as its binding materials. The palm kernel ash is the main solid waste product from boiler combustion and can be utilized as a sand composition reducer in concrete production due to its chemical properties, which are nearly similar to cement. This research aims to determine the characteristics of the base mixture by utilizing palm kernel ash when combined in the Cement Treated Base Class B mixture for flexible pavement. With the specified composition, it is expected that when compression strength testing is conducted, the obtained compression strength values will meet the specified specifications. After testing, it was found that the Cempaka sand type is more effective and economical to use because its compression strength value almost meets the specified range of 35 kg/cm2 to 45 kg/cm2, which means it falls within the standard compression strength specification.
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