Applications of Knowledge Discovery and Database (KDD) in Clinical Decision Support System
Applications of Knowledge Discovery and Database (KDD) in Clinical Decision Support Systems) is a research work that aims to develop a medical system that has the ability to detect and suggest cure for an ailment with minimal effort. Healthcare system has been a major source of worry across the globe in recent time due to emergence of different types of diseases and epidemics. The number of health care personnel in various hospitals falls short of the number required most especially in terms of specialists. The medical system in Nigeria today suffers from lack of fast, accurate, reliable and intelligent software solutions that can help healthcare practitioners make decisions that would solve urgent, and in some cases, complex medical problems in real-time. Also, the cost of processing and analyzing large volumes of data in a medical environment is high most especially in terms of time consumption. So in this research design and implement clinical decision support system using knowledge discovery in database (KDD) was the major focus. The design required a computerized database for storing medical records as well as software for improved intelligence-based medical procedures that were going to be simpler to use, versatile, adaptable, savvy, and effortless at combining and evaluating medical data, allowing medical practitioners at all levels to make realistic, intelligent, and real-time decisions on critical health issues. The system was designed using the Object-Oriented Design and Analysis Methodology (OOADM).
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