Counseling on Making Building Construction Drawings for Smkn 3 Batu City as an Effort to Improve Competiticeness Skill in the Global Era. (Using the Autocad Software Application)
The number of building drawings needed continues to increase along with human development. With population growth, there are dynamics in society both in terms of density, social and economic, so that the need for buildings along with detailed drawings. Can be seen at the beginning of the existing year, then we can project population growth from year to year to come. For projections of future population growth, it can be seen that starting in 2020 there will be 213,046 people, in 2022 there will be 240,000 people. with an average growth of 0.23%.High density will reduce the ease of access to residential needs. In addition to the condition factor and understanding and interest in learning to explore the plan drawings, one way to obtain data is to utilize formal schools. In an effort to resolve the need for knowledge, make a drawing of a building construction plan.It is this plan for drawing plans that channels knowledge towards understanding in the future. Vocational students are required to be able to fulfill making drawings that access the design, with the desired continuity and completeness of the building drawings to completion. With sufficient completeness of building drawings, counseling is needed.The purpose of counseling for making this image. So that students in Vocational High Schools can find out where they study, can guarantee a complete understanding of the location of learning or not. So that after this counseling, it is hoped that the residents will be more diligent in maintaining the existing buildings in their area and occasionally be able to see and operate the software owned by the Vocational High School to find out the certainty of the level of certainty of the location of the building along with the details of the buildings in the area.
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