The Training of Educators within the Framework of the Pedagogical Challenges of the 21st Century
The training of teachers has been conceived as a responsibility that has a social impact that merits the development of research proposals that contribute to the discussion of the same. Thus, this article is the starting point for a doctoral thesis oriented towards the analysis of the disciplinary, pedagogical and didactic components of the training of educators in the area of Technology and Computer Science of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. This paper presents an analysis of the training of educators in the context of the technological challenges of the 21st century. The methodology used in this research is that of a case study, within the framework of the hermeneutic/interpretative paradigm. It is concluded that the processes of training educators must be progressively transformed, in harmony with social, economic and cultural conditions, while adhering to educational policies; without ignoring that there are political priorities that sometimes disregard the realities of these contexts
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