Optimization of Multi Contruction Project Implementation with Limited Human Resource, Time, and Capital Using the Resource Leveling Method
The quality and quantity of the number of projects that can be done in units of time into their own selling points for construction service companies in order to continue to compete in the industry. The limitations of human resources, time, and capital are often the problems experienced by companies to meet ever-increasing client demands. This situation needs to be evaluated further. The evaluation of the construction of several construction projects in time can be done by Critical Part Method (CPM) approach to analyze the critical path of a project, Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) to know the porsentation of the same project work if done in the future, and Resource Leveling for human resource allocation to avoid recruitment and retraining of workers. Based on research with CPM method, it is found that critical activity is a reference activity that should not be delayed, by using PERT, it can be concluded that some of the allocation and acceleration options of the project can be done based on Z table, and with Resource Leveling, the result of improvement of worker efficiency. This research uses CPM and PERT algorithm to see the allocation of work for multi level and resource leveling as field reference. Effectiveness and efficiency of company performance obtained result of efficiency improvement equal to 24,95% for worker payment and 33,35% for acceleration of project development according to result of research.
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