Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements of Archive Building with the Diaphragm Discontinuity Irregularity
ABSTRACT: The archive building is a building that serves as archive storage and an office. The layout of the archive building is designed to follow the standards of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia. This research aims to analyze and design the elements of the structure of a 4-story archive building with diaphragm discontinuity irregularity of structure. The building structure designed has 4 working floors with a building length of 25 m, a width of 18 m, and a height of 21.17 m. Based on the results of the sondir test or Cone Penetration Test (CPT), the type of soil is classified as medium soil site class (SD) and indicates that the system of structures belongs to the seismic design category (SDC) "D". The designed structural elements which are beams, columns, and slabs, have a concrete quality (f'c) of 30 MPa, a longitudinal reinforcement quality (fy) of 420 MPa, and a transverse reinforcement (fyt) of 280 MPa. To obtain structural elements that are rigid, strong, and ductile, structural elements are designed to withstand moment and shear forces. Based on the results of analysis and design, the dimensions of the structural elements for main beams are 300 x 500 mm; secondary beams are 250 x 350 mm; columns are 550 x 550 mm; and thick slabs are 130 and 150 mm and had fulfilled the requirements of "Strong Columns Weak Beams."
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