The Wind Energy Potential in Coastal Areas of Merauke City

Wind Energy, Coastal Areas, Potential Energy, Renewable Energy


  • Johan Karim Departement of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University of Merauke - Indonesia
  • Frederik Haryanto Sumbung Departement of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University of Merauke - Indonesia
  • Damis Hardiantono Departement of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University of Merauke - Indonesia
August 10, 2023
August 11, 2023


Energy transformation to new and renewable energy starts from the green economy, green technology, and green products. The electricity demand in 2060 reached 1942 TWh which was dominated by the industrial and transportation sectors. Electricity demand is supplied by 96% renewable energy and 4% new energy with a total capacity of 708 GW. Merauke city with a geographical location between 137-141 degrees and 5-9 degrees of 46,791.63 km2 is a flat area and has several coastal areas, namely : Lampu Satu beach, Payum beach, and Domande beach with a beach length of 846.36 km. The method used is Topographical analysis, Google map and ESDM one map. Merauke city has two potential areas for wind energy, namely plains with a green spectrum having wind speeds of 4-6 m/s while beaches coastal with a red spectrum wind speed exceeding 6 m/s. For an altitude of 50 meters from the ground at coordinates 141.59621 - 8.04586 degrees, green area with wind speed of 4.27 m/s, area of 0.99 km2 and Musamus University at coordinates 140.47110  - 8.103640 degrees, wind speed 4.97 m/s for an area of 0.99 km2. The point 141.563250  - 8.040420 degrees is placed on the . Lampu satu beach wind speed 8.04 m/s, Domande beach 6.56 m/s, Payum beach wind speed 6.75 m/s.