Optimization Analysis of Determining Generator Power Capacity in MV Sabuk Nusantara 71
- Sabuk Nusantara 71 is a Indonesian passenger cargo ship with the Ambon – Tual route which has three generators. As is well known that the main generator of electrical power on a ship is a generator. The installed generator is expected to be able to supply the electric power needs of the ship optimally and efficiently. But in fact, the distribution of the load on the ship is still less than optimal and efficient. This results in excess fuel consumption. The purpose of this research is to find efficient load sharing so that the required fuel consumption is optimal. To achieve this, the research uses several stages. First, calculate the amount of electrical power needed on the ship. Second, look for the magnitude of the electric power load for each operating condition of the ship when leaning, sailing and maneuvering. Third, look for the fuel consumption of ship generators using the dynamic programming method which aims to get efficient generator fuel consumption. The results of this calculation simulation on MV. Nusantara Belt 71 operations with a voyage from Ambon – Tual (round trip) obtained an efficient fuel consumption of 20,724.77 liters by using generator 1 configuration for leaning, and generators 1 and 2 for maneuvering and sailing
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