Review Paper on Hate Speech Detection

Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), (Recurrent Neural Networks)RNN, (Multilayer Perceptron)MLP, Multiple Kernel Clustering(MKC), Langragian Support Vector Machines(LSVM


December 27, 2021
December 29, 2021


This is a review paper on the topic “Hate Speech Detection”. One of the main disadvantages of social media is the way it is used to spread hate. This hate can affect an individual or a group in different ways like, degrading their mental health leading to anxiety and depression. This can lead to suicides or homicide. So it is very important to control how a platform can be used in spreading a particular message. To do this we have to identify the hate speech content automatically, this can be done with the help of techniques in machine learning and deep learning. We have reviewed few papers that deal with the different methodologies of detecting hate speech in a given text