The Influence Of Heavy Metal Content Of Iron (Fe) On The Porong River Flow In Seagrass Plant
The Porong River is greatly influenced by human activities such as industry, agriculture, fish ponds, and fishing boat transportation. One of the industrial activities that is a source of waste in the Porong River basin is PT. Lapindo Brantas which caused a mudflow in 2004. Several metal contents were found in the Lapindo mud, one of which is iron (Fe). The function of Fe is to play a role in the formation of chlorophyll. Determination of seaweed plant sampling points is carried out based on a random method. Water sampling is carried out using a mechanism using a 250 ml bottle for each repetition, there are 4 repetitions for each point and will be deposited in a 1liter bottle. Water samples are taken from the lower part of the water surface at the specified points. As for water samples, they are stored in a safe place without being exposed to too much shaking. The concentration of heavy metal iron (Fe) contained in the water is then absorbed by seaweed plants and will be tested for biconcentration factor (BCF). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the heavy metal content of iron (Fe) in the seaweed cultivation area of Kedungpandan Village, Jabon District, Sidoarjo Regency to find out how much heavy metal iron (Fe) there is.
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