The Impact of Contract Changes on Construction Project Implementation Based On Contractor Perceptions in Indonesia

Contract Changes, Contractor Perceptions


  • Nurlaelah Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, UMJ, Jl. Cempaka Putih Tengah XXVII, Jakarta 10510
  • Trijeti Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, UMJ, Jl. Cempaka Putih Tengah XXVII, Jakarta 10510
  • Putra Pandu Gumelar Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, UMJ, Jl. Cempaka Putih Tengah XXVII, Jakarta 10510
December 10, 2024


A construction contract is an agreement between service providers and service consumers for the execution of construction work, and those who violate it face penalties. Based on the opinions of contractors, this study attempts to ascertain how contract differences affect the execution of building projects. Both qualitative (field data gathering) and quantitative (basic linear regression analysis) methods are employed. The findings demonstrated that the significant value is 0.008 <0.05, which is based on the regression test results derived from the questionnaire data. Therefore, this suggests a positive relationship between variables X (factors influencing changes in construction contracts) and Y (impacts on construction projects).