Utilization of Public Space in Market Area Wamanggu Case Study Merauke
An urban area grows along with the development of community demands as actors in activities. This means that physically and functionally, the intensity and quality of city activities are always changing. The function of the area as a city-scale service center requires the area to have a high activity intensity. The stronger economic activity in a part of the city tends to change the shape of the existing city. This is because as actors in economic activities, people tend to choose strategic areas. The change in the function of public space into a trading area is due to factors supporting the existence of the location. In the relationship between users in their respective public spaces, they give different responses depending on several things. For this reason, it is necessary to study what aspects affect user behavior in public open spaces. To see various aspects of human behavior, it is necessary to study what attributes affect the environment. Likewise with Merauke Wamanggu Market where its location is in an area that is quite ideal for a trading area located in the center of Merauke City with the surrounding environmental conditions being a trading area. This research was conducted in order to obtain environmental attributes through behavioral phenomena in the Merauke Wamanggu Market Area. With this writing, it is expected to be able to present descriptive data and pictures/graphics/images about the phenomenon of environmental behavior & attributes in the Merauke Wamanggu Market Area in Merauke Regency
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