Studies on Strength Properties of RC Beam Column joint With Basalt Reinforcement

Beam-column joints, energy dissipation, Basalt rebar. Ductility, Load-Deflection.


  • Sujeet Patil Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering, Kalaburagi-585102, 08472-2224360, Karnataka, India.
  • Dr. Rajendrakumar Harsoor Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering, Kalaburagi-585102, 08472-2224360, Karnataka, India.
December 2, 2024
December 4, 2024


In recent earthquakes it Is observed that the beam column joint is more exposed to lateral loads due to which the joints undergoes severe deformations leading to yielding of the joints and the overall structure. . Poor design practices for beam-column joints are compounded by the high demand imposed by adjacent flexural members (beams and columns) as they mobilize their inelastic capabilities to dissipate load energy. Unsafe design and details in the joint region put the entire structure at risk, even if other structural elements meet the design requirements. Therefore the new material that is  basalt rebar is used as reinforcement to observe the structural behaviour of the beam column joint. The experiment is conducted and the results are taken. The comparative study is done by using both steel specimens and basalt reinforced specimens. The detailing is done as per the seismic codes. The results are tabulated and graph is plotted.