Ball Launching Robot and Object Retriever with V- Belt Method and Robotic Arm Method
This research develops a ball launcher and object picker robot controlled remotely /wirelessly using a microcontroller. The robot is designed to enhance mechanical work efficiency and control in the Indonesian robot contest, with the ability to automatically throw balls and collect objects in a designated area. The robot's drive system utilizes DC motors for mobility, with ball launching and pneumatic systems used for the object collection mechanism. This study emphasizes designing a more efficient system that offers good responsiveness, aiming to provide optimal robot control. The test results showed that the robot could perform ball launching with adequate accuracy and collect objects with suitable speed and precision. With the application of this technology, the robot is expected to be useful in various fields, including industry, sports games, education, agriculture, and other entertainment activities. This robot research opens opportunities for further development in more advanced and practical remote control robotic systems.
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