Effects of Information and Communication Technology Adoption on University Competitive Advantage via Education Quality a Field Study on Science & Technology and Hadhramout Universities

Information and Communication Technology Adoption, Competitive Advantage, Education Quality, Yemenis Universities.


August 24, 2024
September 3, 2024


 The current study aimed to determine the effect of information and communication technology adoption on university competitive advantage via education quality in Yemenis Universities. For the purposes of this study, the researcher constructed a questionnaire and ensured its validity and reliability. The study used purposive sampling technique in the sample, the sample chosed from two universities: Hadhramout University and University of Science and Technology, Specifically, colleges of engineering and computers. The researcher recommend Develop a comprehensive ICT strategy aligned with the university's overall goals and Prioritize technologies that directly enhance teaching and learning quality, provide ongoing training programs on ICT use in education for Faculty and Staff, Encourage faculty to integrate technology into their teaching methods, Collaborate with other universities for knowledge sharing, Focus on institutions with strong ICT integration in education.