Computer Aided Fuzzy Control Charts for Evaluating and Analyzing Variable Data

Control Charts Fuzzy Logic Process Capability Quality Control


December 19, 2023
January 8, 2024


One of the limitations of fuzzy control charts is the complexity of their mathematical relations, and there is no software built to draw and analyze the fuzzy control charts. This research presents a visual presentation of fuzzy control charts for variables ( , , I-MR), using an integrated program built by MATLAB20 to draw and analyze fuzzy control charts, A real case study was conducted of data collected from the Al-Numan factory for a plastic connecter product. The number of attempts to reach the approved control limits was less in the fuzzy charts, as well as the number of deleted samples in the fuzzy charts was less. It was also noted that the process capability indicators decreased after data fuzzing, they were equal to (3.049) and became equal to (3.013) after fuzzing. This is due to the increase in the standard deviation of the process.