NVA Waste Factors on Project Performance at The PT “XYZ” Warehouse Building, West Java, Indonesia
NVA waste is a common activity in practically all construction projects and can affect the performance of those projects as a whole. In Cikarang, West Java, this also occurred in the PT “XYZ” Warehouse Building Project. The goal of this study was to ascertain how the performance of PT XYZ's warehouse construction project affected waste associated with Overproduction, Inventory, Defect, Motion, Transportation, Processing (Over processing), and Waiting. The study's findings indicate that there is a "medium correlation" between overproduction, inventory, defect, motion, transportation, processing (over processing), and waiting waste and project performance. The highest influence on total waste levels is exerted by transportation waste (0.653), waste defects (0.505), waste overproduction (0.436), waste inventory (0.335), waste waiting (0.223), waste over processing (0.175), and waste motion (0.054).
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