Analysis of the Choice of Commuter Line Electric Rail Train (KRL) Modes and Transjakarta Buses for the Bekasi City - East Jakarta Route
Transportation is one of the problems that becomes a measure of the success of a city. Bekasi City, as the gateway and buffer for the capital city of Jakarta, has high mobility due to the density of the city of Jakarta. This study aims to determine the characteristics and factors that influence mode selection, mode selection models that can explain probabilities, as well as people's preferences in choosing the Commuter Line Electric Train (KRL) and Transjakarta Bus transportation modes used by the people of Bekasi City to East Jakarta. Data was collected using a questionnaire survey using the Stated Preference method, distributed offline and online. Furthermore, the data from the survey were processed using regression analysis to evaluate the relationship between the response variable, namely the choice of travelers on a numerical scale (Y), with changes in the analyzed attributes, namely the difference in travel costs (X1), travel time (X2), and the departure time of each mode (X3). The results of the linear regression analysis using the SPSS version 28 program obtained the mode selection model, namely (UMRT – UTJ) = 0.662 + 0.044.X1 - 0.014.X2 + 0.025.X3. The conclusion obtained from the results of this study is that the KRL Commuter Line is the preferred mode of transportation compared to the Transjakarta Bus with the Bekasi - East Jakarta route, and the travel cost attribute is the most influential in the transportation mode selection model.
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